1. Install Debian with LXDE desktop from a Live CD and install a Gigabit LAN card on the PCI card slot of the PC to become the server.
2. Set up the interfaces file, but check that the Gigabit card is actually eth0 with:
will show which adapter is UP â ie the one plugged in to a cable
/etc/network/interfaces will look like:
where eth0 is the Gigabit network card we want for the server, it has a fixed IP
and eth1 is the on-board ethernet card that can receive internet connection (DHCP IP address)
!! you wil need a firewall running when you connect to the outside world, such as firestarter â see extra installs at the end.
3. mysql will not start for some crazy reason...
and the packages (mysql-server-5.5) will not be configured when running the FOG install - fix with:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
put a comment â#â in front of the line "bind-address" and save the file with Ctrl-X, y, Enter
then reconfigure with
sudo aptitude install mysql-server
5. download FOG from www.fogproject.org
> unpack the zipped folder (easy with Ranger, just highlight, press 1 and Enter)
> enter the Fog folder, then to the bin/ folder, and run install tool with
sudo ./installfog.sh
Answer the questions:
Press Enter when database updated
6. To enable the image storage, possibly need to run
sudo chown -R fog:root /imagesand check in the file /etc/default/tftpd-hpa there is:
not TFTP_DIRECTORY="/srv/tftp"
7. the desktop shortcut can be made made with
nano ~/.local/share/applications/fog.desktop[Desktop Entry]
Version=1.0Enter new image name, like the next Lubuntu image e.g. Lubuntu-10 etc
Operating System, Linux
Image Type, Single Disk - Resizable (Note: multiple partition would be nice, to upload root and home partitions, but the image will be deployed exactly the same size as it was imaged, say 160Gb or whatever, and that will be impossible for an 80Gb PC, or missing a lot of space for a 250Gb PC. So Single Disc Resizable is the easiest and fastest for deploying to hundreds of PC's)
click Add
> plug in a LAN cable to the Lubuntu laptop and boot with network (PXE)
when FOG menu appears, select Quick Registration
> Go to Host Management in FOG > List all hosts
click on the new Lubuntu host
on Host Image, select the new image name you just made
click Update
select Basic Tasks at the side
select Upload
Create Upload Task
> reboot the laptop with Ctrl-Alt-Del, then boot with LAN again
the upload task will start, it will first resize the harddisk
with a slow switch it takes over 1 hour to upload, fast switch, 12 min, for a system with 6Gb data
> Group management > List all groups
select the group
[for junk computers]
Basic Tasks, select Advanced, Fast wipe, Create Fast wipe task
reboot the PC's to start the data wipe
[for old Lubuntu computers, and junk PC's after data wipe]
Basic Tasks, Download (or click on download arrow next to group name)
[multicast should be faster, but all the computers must be ready to start at once, and they must all be of same spec, so it often doesn't work]
When done with a task or group..
> List all groups, click delete next to the group
check the remove hosts with group, then Remove
Removing the hosts is recommended so that new hosts won't get confused.
The max no. of PC's that can download at one go is set in Storage Node > Max Clients
if set to a low number, like 1, then only one computer will process and the others will wait in queue
It's not a good idea to upload twice onto the same image, you should make a new image every upload
delete the image that's not needed anymore so that people don't download old images to the computers
The storage node you use must be set Master Node and the password must match the FOG user password!
If you change the FOG user password you would need to change it in Storage Node so that an image can upload - if the password is wrong, the upload will nearly complete but get stuck at the end, unable to transfer the uploaded data from /tmp into the node in /images (though it should be able to be copied from there).
The IP address of the server is
This is set in /etc/network/interfaces file in order for clients to successfully make DHCP sign up with the server (get an IP address)
The server IP is in three places in Fog Configuration > Fog Settings
-General Settings
-TFTP Server
-Web Server
It is set there by the FOG install script and they don't need changing, so long as you enter it correctly when installing FOG.