moves the cursor to the beginning of the command line
moves the cursor to the end of the command line
deletes the word immediately before the cursor
deletes everything immediately after the cursor
undo a deletion
cancels the active process
cycles through previously made commands
auto completes if there's only one possibility
Shift-pg up/home
move up the terminal (handy with no scroll bar)/go to top
Shift-pg dn/end
move down the termnal/go back to the prompt (down does too)
shows reverse history, type a few letters to search a previous line, then press Ctrl-R repeatedly to find the command, and press Right, to edit, or hit Enter to execute
Apt commands
apt check [package]
check dependencies
apt install -s [package]
simulate install
sudo apt build-dep [package]
attempt to install dependencies
apt install [package]
install package
apt install -f [package]
install without broken dependencies
apt install --reinstall [package]
reinstall package
apt remove [package]
remove package
apt remove --purge [package]
remove package including its config files
apt clean
clean cache
apt autoclean
clean cache from packages that can't be downloaded
apt install -f
clean broken install
sudo dpkg --configure -a
or, failing that
apt-cache search [package]
search for packages in the apt cache with a name, or part of a name
install - Lists all packages that have been installed.
upgrade - Lists all packages that have been upgraded.
remove - Lists all packages that have been removed.
rollback - Lists rollback information.
list - Lists all contents of dpkg logs.