
Configure >

Here's a very good terminal for Linux that builds on Xterm. It supports tabs, transparency or background image, true type fonts, all kinds of colours and heaps of possible settings. I like it very much because it allows inline image previews with Ranger file browser (some other terminals don't, such as LXterminal).

Install it

or download from the website /rxvt-unicode.html

documentation at http://linux.die.net/man/1/urxvt

For configuration, you'll need to make or add to the file ~/.Xresourses, as mentioned on my Xterm page


Here are my config's (see above links for more, especially the man page). comments are escaped with '!'


true transparency (instead of native) can be enabled with:
This type uses a compositor and open windows behind the terminal will be seen, whereas the native kind steals the desktop image and windows behind the terminal can't be seen.

Tip: to define the colors see here for help http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/conf/.Xresources

When you've made changes, run this command and then re-start rxvt:

Note, when you change a value, removing it and running xrdb -merge will not be enough to make a change, you need to make a value false if it was true before and run xrdb -merge.

running .Xresources at boot

With startx, you can put that xrdb -merge line above in your ~/.xinitrc file.
But I start up with a script and so I put that line in ~/.openbox/autostart, somewhere early on, followed by an &, and that works fine.

Open full-screen at start-up

Add Rxvt to the openbox rc.xml file or LXDE's lxde-rc.xml file, in applications section at the end, with this
Change desktop 2 to whatever you like. Opens with no window title bar like this (decor=no). Also make sure you have rxvt in ~/.openbox/autostart so it launches at start up.

Tab controls

Shift-Down new tab
Shift-Left go to left tab
Shift-Right go to right tab
Ctrl-Left move tab to the left
Ctrl-Right move tab to the right
Ctrl-D close tab

Shift-PgUp and Shift-PgDn


Some methods are...

  1. Select text with the mouse and middle click in terminal or in external window.
  2. Left click at a point to start selection, Alt-Shift Left-click and drag to make selection area in terminal window - excluded area will not be copied/pasted - which is highly useful for copying just start of lines etc.
  3. Set up some openbox keybinds to copy the primary X selection (what the mouse highlights) to clipboard and to paste from clipboard into a terminal (or anywhere):

sh -c 'xsel | xsel -ib' copy the X selection to clipboard
sh -c 'xsel -b | xvkbd -delay 4 -xsendevent -file -' paste from clipboard
sh -c 'xsel | xvkbd -delay 4 -xsendevent -file -' paste the primary X selection (=Shift-Insert in Rxvt)

note: the -delay option will save characters from getting muddled up, and the window from freezing.

You need to have xsel and xvkbd installed!

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Ranger - the Terminal based file manager

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