Debian install - Step 3

Netinstall >

Media players


that's a great video player that can handle all you need, and a winamp-style music player.

Audacious Qt

download the latest stable from

get the dependencies

unpack the player, and run
or you can have both qt/gtk if you like


with the plugins, just ./configure, make, sudo make install

Media encoders


get it from the repo's - the venerable, quality video encoder


Without sourcing the deb-multimedia repository, you can find the great video cutter Avidemux here

run app image with /dir../avidemux*.app

Recently, after a system upgrade, the app wouldn't run and I needed to provide a symlink to a library, a fake file '' linking to,


An easy dvd creator. download from

then do..

Audio editors


that's a quality sound recorder and audio editor. To record with ardour you'll need to open a line with Jack

Media rippers

for audio CD


The CLI way, using cdparanoia to rip the audio cd and lame or oggenc (vorbis-tools) to encode -see linux-ripping-and-encoding-audio-files

Bashburn is straight forward, it uses cdparanoia to rip wav files, converts ogg or mp3 (although adding track info might be tedious).
Abcde is much simpler to use (just hit the command `abcde` after you've made a conf file for the type of rip you want to do - see this guide).

GUI ripping: there's K3b, which is big and clumsy, sound juicer (need gvfs-backends) or asunder, which rip and convert on the fly, without first making error-reduced wav files.

Others: rubyripper, ripperx, and grip which you have to build from source (download
lame is needed for mp3 encoding.

for movie DVD

with the deb-multimedia repo, you can..

otherwise you need to look for packages elsewhere.

get libdvdcss from

k9copy and dvdrip are both graphical, and you can select which title to rip (but again, there's KDE libraries to install).
dvdbackup is command-line, and it rips the DVD to hdd in its entirety.
With libdvdcss2 installed you can play and possibly rip a DVD encrypted with CSS (Content Scramble System), e.g. it enables Handbrake to rip encrypted dvd titles to mp4, but there is still other encrypion it can't deal with.

To rip with dvdbackup, cd to the dir to store the dvd and run dvdbackup -i /dev/dvd -M -o movie

furiusisomount and acetoneiso are two other useful apps.

Desktop apps


that gets you... a light-weight a pdf viewer and cutter, basic x11 tools, clipboard manager, download manager, virus scanner, id3 tag writer, graphical disk map, file/directory comparison app, file text search/replace, system cleanup app, torrent downloader, help agent, x-selection tools, dictionary, grouped sticky notes, html editor, ftp manager, screenshot taker

transmission gets permissions error - right click on a torrent and > Set Location, select the actual download location.

for a fully functional DVD burner, there's xfburn (basic) or k3b with KDE bloat (unless you'd prefer an easy command-line tool like bashburn -which has gone from the package lists)

the last two packages there are to enable conversion of wav to mp3 or mp3 to wav (and other formats) -ie ripping an audio cd or making an audio cd in K3b...

Xfce stuff and panel plugins

xfce plugins recommends for xfce

ClamTK virus scanner

FAQ page A GUI frontend for Clamav - mainly it's used for scanning potentially infected files received from Windows machines to prevent sending on infected files etc.

Latest version can be installed from .deb file from clamtk website - from repository it may report out-dated GUI and virus definitions.

depends: libnet-dns-perl

To update clamav virus definitions, run

It's possible to update multiple machines remotely if you download the main.cvd and daily.cvd file (from the Upgading links at and copy it to /var/lib/clamav

Note: you must select options in Preferences in order to scan anything!

Anti rootkit

these are Linux-specific anti-trojan programs

To run them use these commands as root:

run an update with

I'm not exactly sure what this shows!

Hosts file

add web sites to the /etc/hosts file to block them - literally to drop any request that looks them up
and here


when done adding to the list of blocked sites, run

or you can try hostsblock



evince, geekie - gui pdf and image viewers
pyrenamer, catfish - batch rename and file search gui tools
cheese, hasciicam - webcam apps
docky - app launcher dock
flush or transmission -bit torrent handlers
xpad - make notes
axel-kapt -download accelerator
tucan -upload-downloader for file share sites
pdfshuffler pdfchain -pdf cutters


gnome configuration editor - sets things in gnome app's
gnome system tools - enables user management
kdemultimedia-kio-plugins - enables reading and conversion of audio from CD's in KDE app's
mscorefonts - includes Times, Tahoma, Verdana, Ariel etc.

For backups...

there's 2x GUI and 2x command line utilities

Edu-games for learners

to enable transparency of the Xfce roxterm terminal emulator, check "enable display compositing" in Xfce Settings manager > Windows Tweaks.

network manager gives this message: "system policy prevents modification of network settings" and asks for root key to logon to network

search for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system

at the end of that section change <allow_active>auth_admin_keep</allow_active>
to <allow_active>yes</allow_active>

Next page:

Step4 - web browsers, GPG, Bible, GPS