Picasa uploads

This might not be the nicest way of uploading pics to Picasaweb, but it's simple and it works fine.  You'll just have to go to Picasaweb or Google+ to sort out Album properties, sort order and sharing, and fill in photo captions if need be.  Yes you can just go there and click on upload, or Add photos, but this method works right from the command line, or from Ranger, before you even open a web browser.  So it means you can upload a few directories of pics to Picasaweb and sort them out later on when you have the time.

I got my info from here http://lifehacker.com/

What you need is 
googlecl https://code.google.com/p/googlecl/downloads/list
gdata-python-client https://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/downloads/list

the first is a .deb archive, so install the usual way, sudo dpkg -i googlecl*.deb
the second one is a tar.gz archive, so unpack it and cd to its dir, set up with
sudo python setup.py install

and you are ready to use Google services from command line.
so run a test
  • copy some pics to a test dir
  • cd to the dir or navigate there with Ranger
  • then run this command
google picasa create "Test Album" *.JPG
  • `create` will make a new album, with the title set by the next value
  • the last value is the pics to be uploaded -so individual files, or wildcard, or /path/to/pics/*
  • before you can connect to the Google service, you must allow access, which is pretty simple stuff (a browser opens and you enter user/passwd for google)
  • you won't get any indication of % uploaded, save for the file names of current and done files -so you can work out how far by looking at the file list.
  • you can post pics or videos to an exiting album with something like
google picasa post "Big Spiders" tarantula21.JPG
  • also, list-albums and delete "Bad album" could be useful - see the google cl page here https://code.google.com/p/googlecl/wiki/
  • using ranger, you can use %s instead of file names and that way upload only the selected files (see my key mapping on image files, on my Ranger page)
  • Thunar custom action? well it would work but without a terminal opened there would be no progress indication whatsoever.

there are other G services you can use too, but I haven't tried any.

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